Intertex Customer Care Center

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Provisioning and Management

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As a service provider you need a safe and powerful system to manage and configure the CPE units remotely in order to reduce deplyment complexity and cost. The Intertex Internet Gate provides three  possible paths:

  • Use the standard based approach based on DSL Forum’s TR-069 if you already have standards based equipment.
  • Use Intertex proprietary system, designed especially for the needs of Intertex’s customers.
  • Use a combination of the two methods

Standard based approach:

  • TR-062 (used to be TR-037) is used to set up the required VCCs and ATM configuration parameters to the network access provider
  • TR-044 is used to set up PPP and DHCP parameters
  • TR-069 is used to configure different services and upgrade firmware
  • TR-069 can be used to dynamically change configurations more or less in real time
  • SNMP can be used for status monitoring
  • An Automatic Configuration Server (ACS) and possibly an SNMP manager are required in the center of the network

Intertex propretary system:

  • The ADSL modem auto configures VCI and VPI (by using TR-037/TR-062). In case a login name and password are required for PPP or DHCP this can be provisioned by the customer of before shipment
  • Once an IP-connection exists, the CPE connects to a standard web server at central location to receive additional configuration
  • CPE checks for new configuration or new firmwares at certain intervalls
  • The central system can also be used to upgrade features in the CPE that the customer pays for
  • A standard web server is all that is required in the center of the network

The Combined Path:

  • TR/037TR-062 can be used to set up the required VCCs and ATM configuration parameters to the network access provider
  • TR-044 or existing methods used to set up PPP and DHCP parameters
  • Intertex system used to set up configuration
  • Intertex system used for firmware upgrades and paid feature upgrades
  • SNMP can still be used for status monitoring
  • Requires only a standard web server and possibly an SNMP manager in the center of the network

Comparing the two paths:

Intertex proprietary system Standards based system
Standard web server used as central server ACS software and SNMP manager software running on central server
Actions driven by CPE Actions friven by Central system
Strong authentication and encryption possible Strong authentication and encryption possible (if SNMP v3 used for monitoring)
Alarms from CPE will take time to reach the central server Alarms from CPE in real time possible
Single or bulk parameters can be updated Single or bulk parameters can be upgraded
Used for paid upgrades Not suited to handle paid feature upgrades







Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 13:07